Thursday, August 20, 2015

Father Emil Kapaun 1916-1951

Father Kapaun embraced the priesthood. He was a veteran of the second world war, having served as a military chaplain briefly in Burma and India until 1946.He traveled thousands of miles by plane and jeep to say mass and bring the sacraments to the military faithful. - See more at:

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Blessed Laura Montoya Upegui 1874-1949

Laura worked as an elementary school teacher in a poor mountainous region in Columbia, South America. Her father was killed in the military when she was 2 years old. Her family's possessions were confiscated due to poverty and debt. As a teenager, Laura had developed a strong devotion to the holy Eucharist and regularly meditated on scripture. She yearned for life as a religious, namely as a discalced Carmelite, but instead chose to work in order to support her family. - See more at:

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Saint Maria Guadalupe Garcia Zavala 1878 - 1963

The sisters took vows of poverty and gave themselves wholeheartedly to the medical and spiritual care of the patients. During the years of the Cristeros Rebellion, they were forbidden from wearing their habits. Mother Maria kept hunted priests and bishops in hiding from the anti-clerical government militia -- putting herself at great risk. - See more at:

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Maria de la Luz Camacho 1907-1934
Maria was a single third order Franciscan laywoman who was an active member of the local catholic action in her diocese. She spend much of her time in adoration and teaching catechism to children and adults, all of this during one of the most intense periods of government persecution in Mexican history. - See more at:

Brother Zeno Zebrowski 1891-1982

During the war, the Japanese government confined all foreigners to internment camps and the friars were no exception. The atomic bomb exploded over Nagasaki on august 9,1945,destroying a majority of Japan's Christian population. The friars  were unharmed and, under Br. Zeno's direction, with little regard for their health, set out to give aid to survivors. - See more at: